Frequently Asked Questions

How are you breaking down learning levels?

We have several classroom levels:

  • Kindergarten: Ages 4-5
    Acceptance to the Kinder program for 4 year olds is on a case-by-case basis, depending on maturity and classroom readiness. Kindergarten programming will include elements from the elementary program including homeroom, the opportunity to observe some science experiments, and engage with fitness activities. Other programming will be customized to this special time in child's development, with heavy focus on stories, Scripture, character development, and play-based learning. 
  • Emergent Elementary:  Grades 1-2
    Children in this level must be at least 6 years old by September 1.  Emergent reading is recommended, fluency is not required.  Maximum age is 9.
    Students in Emergent Elementary will not be assigned homework, except for Language Arts. There will be an expectation for students to complete work at home for Language Arts.
  • Intermediate Elementary:  Grades 3-4
    Children in this level must be at least 7 years old by September 1.  Reading is highly recommended, fluency is not required.  Maximum age is 10. 
    Students in Lower Elementary will be required to complete assignments at home for their Language Arts class. There will be optional work to complete at home for other subjects.
  • Upper Elementary:  Grades 5-6
    Children in this level must be at least 8 years old by September 1.  Fluent reading is recommended but not required.  Maximum age is 13.
    Students in Upper Elementary will be required to complete assignment at home for Language Arts and Science class. There may be assignments from other classes that would be beneficial, but not required. 
  • Middle School:  Grades 7-8
    Children in this level must be at least 11 years old by September 1.  Fluent reading is highly recommended.  Maximum age is 14.
    Students in Middle School will be required to complete assignments at home for Language Arts, Science, and Introduction to Logic. At this level, we expect our students to begin the process of being more invested in their academic learning. Homework will be an expectation for 3 classes (Language Arts, Logic, and Science). We will be utilizing an online platform for homework submission, and the students will be expected to keep their work well-organized in order to be able to look back at previous assignments. For these reasons, we will be helping the students set up their binders at the beginning of the school year to allow for continuity in the classroom, and teachers will be checking in with students to help them keep things organized. Parents will still be responsible for evaluation of all student work, but teachers will be available as a resource in this area.
  • High School: Grades 9 +
    Children in this level must be at least 14 years old.
    High School is a new territory for KCCH, so we are still exploring what this will look like. If you are interested in getting involved at the High School level with us (either as a student or teacher), please email kcconnectedhomeschool@gmail.com 

Parents are free to enroll their children in the level that they feel appropriate for their child as long as they follow these age guidelines.  The guidelines offer some flexibility.  If you are unsure which level would be best for your student, please email kcconnectedhomeschool@gmail.com.


What Classes Will You Offer?

Our school day will operate on 5 45-minute class periods.  Here’s a break-down of what will be offered:

  • Science - 2024-25 School Year will be Physical Science (Chemistry/Physics)

  • Art - 2024-25 School Year will be Visual Arts. Students will learn about several different art disciplines and famous artists (past and present) that utillize that discipline. We will take time to learn their technique, and then create it ourselves.

  • Fitness - 2024-25 School Year will included many group-format games including kickball, tag, soccer, volleyball, jumprope, pickleball, flag football, board games (in inclement weather), and more. We are aiming to offer a schedule in this class that is diverse and interesting. The purpose of our Fitness class is to encourage healthy physical activity, willingness to participate in activities that may be unfamiliar, and to build character traits such as being a team-player and sportsmanship. Middle School will not have a Fitness Class this year.

  • Rotating Academics - 2024-25 School Year will offer Introduction to Logic for Middle School. Younger levels will have a homeroom that will include some basic Public Speaking and Discipleship principles.

  • Language Arts - We will use age-appropriate resources from the Institute for Excellence in Writing for each class level. All levels will use a book that employs the principles of Writing With Structure and Style (see shopping guides for specifics), and Upper Elementary and Middle School will also use Fix It Grammar.


    The Middle School schedule will be a bit different from the Elementary Levels. Instead of having a Fitness class, the Middle School's Language Arts class will span two class periods. During that time, they will study writing, grammar, and public speaking.

When does the school year start.

There a few important dates in August, and then classes start in September. The academic calendar will not be released to the public for the protection of our families. Once you have joined the co-op, you will have access to all the dates you need. If you have concerns about dates that impact your ability to join the co-op, you can reach out to Christa and she will answer your specific questions.


What about high school?

We would like to expand to offer High School classes for the 2024-25 School Year. There are many details to work out for this, so please contact Christa Norman directly if you are interested.

Can families with just preschool students enroll?

At this time, we are only enrolling families that have Elementary and Middle School students.  The Child Care level is exclusively offered to families with younger siblings of Elementary and Middle School students.  This may be an area we expand in the future, but not at this time.

What do I do on the other days of the week?

Our co-op does not offer instruction in Reading and Math, two very important areas of learning for every student.  These are two subjects that parents will need to provide instruction to their children through venues other than KC Connected Homeschool.  This might include in-home instruction, tutoring, online instruction, or finding another class.


You will also need to build in time to your homeschool schedule to complete homework assignments given at KCCH. All Language Arts classes have required homework. More homework is required as students progress to older levels. 

If you are new to homeschooling, or need help considering new options for your family, you might consider an In-Home Consultation from KC Connected Homeschool Consulting.


We will also be offering a robust calendar of social opportunities throughout the school year. This will include everything from library days to field trips that have fees. 

How many people will be in the co-op?

For the 23-34 School Year, KCCH served 18 families. This was a great number of families, and we hope to keep our enrollment somewhere around that. We have room for a few more families, though, and we are happy to grow with demand.  

Is there a waiting list?

A family will not be able to register for our co-op unless there are spaces available for all the students they submitted an application to enroll - they will be placed on a Family Wait List.

Can I bring a child to campus that is not enrolled in KCCH programming?

This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.  For the sake of fire safety, no individuals can be on campus without the knowledge of the Director.  If you have a child that you would like to bring to campus with you that would not be registered in programming, please discuss that with the Director before you submit your application.

Will grades be given for classes?

We at KCCH believe in family sovereignty.  That means if you as a homeschooling parent want to assign grades for your children’s school work, you are responsible to do it.  Teachers at KCCH are simply responsible to lead classes on co-op days and teach new skills during those classes.  Parents are responsible to decide for their family how to use and implement that learning at home.


Middle School students will be utilizing Google classroom this year to submit assignments for 3 of their classes. This is intended to be an opportunity for them to begin engaging in greater accountability with their academics. It will not, however, replace the need for parents to evaluate work at home.

How much homework will we get?

“Homework” will be assigned on a continuum. Please refer to the chart included on the CO-OP OVERVIEW page for more specific information.


**A note about Middle School.**  At this point in your child’s academic career, homework not only bolsters the skills they are learning, but also helps to foster a culture of being organized, responsible, and competent.  For this reason, homework will be required for three different classes: Language Arts, Science, and Introduction to Logic. Students will be expected to engage in classroom activities and discussions.

Do you have a Code of Conduct?

We will foster a culture of speaking LIFE into one another.  Words of encouragement and positivity are what we will teach our children to use.  We will work together to capitalize on one another’s strengths and lift each others’ arms as we work to improve our weaknesses.


We do not tolerate bullying of any kind. 

All adults and children in the co-op will sign a Word and Action Agreement. In this agreement, we will commit to treat one another as Image Bearers of Christ.

Do you have a Dress Code?

We ask that everyone on campus dress with modesty and respect toward those around you.  Please make attire choices that glorify God.

What is your discipline policy?

We believe that parents are responsible for disciplining their own children.  If a child has difficulty participating in class appropriately and does not respond to simple positive correction, the parent will be requested to help with the situation. We do have a discipline policy that helps teachers and parents work together to correct more severe behavioral situations.

How much do I have to be involved?

We at KCCH see getting involved as an opportunity!  All families must be represented on campus during classes by at least one adult.  Any adults that plan to be on campus on a regular basis will be required to have a background check on file.  In order to run a co-op, we need teachers!  Parents that volunteer to teach will receive a $50 discount toward their family's tuition.  Parents that are not teachers will be assigned a schedule to assist in classrooms.  Each adult on campus will have one class period in the parent lounge per day.


We are offering a very limited number of slots for Middle School students to participate in our co-op. Here are some considerations:

  • There is a required interview for families interested in this opportunity.
  • Parents must attend all parent meetings, and make a priority to attend optional events for parents.
  • An adult that is approved to pick up the student must always be within a 30 minute drive of the co-op campus, in case of an emergency.
  • The $150 discount for families with 1 or 2 students is waived for this option. 

We hope that you’ll be excited to be as active as possible!  In addition to class days, we will be offering field trips and playdates throughout the school year.  We invite you to participate - and to even help plan them!

What does it look like to be a teacher?

Parents that would like to teach a class will be asked to fill out a very brief application.  We just need to know what you’d like to teach, how much support you need to teach it, and a little bit about your experience.  (Parents with no experience can definitely apply!  It’ll just give us an idea of what kind of support you’ll need to do your job.)  The application will give you a chance to indicate what classes you’d like to teach.  Preferences will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis in most cases.  Parents that volunteer to teach will receive a $50 discount toward their family's tuition. 

There will be a required Teacher Meeting before the school year begins, with some opportunities for training as well.  There will likely be a few other teacher meetings during the school year.

Teachers will receive a syllabus and be loaned curricula to use to teach the classes they are assigned if they do not have a student from their home in that class.  Supplies will be purchased for you.  Prep work will vary based on subject, but will be manageable if not minimal.

So what does a parent’s day look like?

Every parent will have a personalized schedule, letting them know where they will need to serve for each of the five class periods and lunch.  One of the class periods will be a break time in the parent lounge.

How do background checks work?

Background checks will be performed on all adults that will be on campus. This expense is built into the tuition.


Can I as a parent ever leave my kids on campus without me?

This is not something that our Co-Op can support on a regular basis.  There exceptions that can be met to fill specific needs, and that will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If you have some other emergency on co-op day during the year, you will need to speak directly with the Director to decide what can be worked out. 

How much will it cost?

  • Annual Family Tuition $900
    For the first 5 children (ages 1 year - 8th grade)

  • Additional Children $50 per student

  • $150 minimum payment is required at enrollment.  The rest of your tuition can be paid in installments. All payments need to be completed by August 1, 2024.

  • Families with 2 or less children will receive a $150 discount.
  • You will receive a curriculum and supply list for each level that you will be responsible to provide for each of your students.

Are there any other fees?

  • Shirts
    $18 per youth shirt
    $18 per adult shirt

    $20 tote bag 

  • Field Trips and Activities
    All field trips and activities will have additional fees and costs.  These will be explained as they are planned.

What is the refund policy?

As a general rule, refunds are not possible.

If you choose to withdraw your family, refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis.  Criteria for decision will include whether another family can fill your spot and how much time is left in the school year.  IF refunds can be arranged, amounts will be prorated and be granted at no more than 70%.  Any fees in addition to the Family Tuition are non-refundable without exception.

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Here are the links to the shopping lists for Elementary Level and Middle School level: Click here for Elementary Shopping Guide Click here f...