Publications / Articles
Co-Op Wide Required Texts
Long Story Short – Posted 1/29/25
This is a required text for all families, as this will be the text for our discipleship component for Morning Block in grades PreK-6. Each family one need purchase one copy of this text, and it is not necessary to bring it with you to co-op. This is intended to use at home as follow-up to what is discussed during class. 2012 ECPA Christian Book Award Finalist! Transform Your Family with Ten Minutes a Day in the Gospel Story Christian parents know the importance of passing the gospel story on to their children, yet we live in a busy world filled with distractions. Schedules collide, there is homework and yard work and dishes and laundry, the car’s oil should be changed, there are phone calls to make . . . and before you know it, everyone is getting to bed late again. The Bible can seem like a long story for an active family to read, but when you break it down into short sections, as Marty Machowski does, family devotions are easy to do. Long Story Short will help busy parents share with their children how every story in the Old Testament points forward to God’s story of salvation through Jesus Christ. You won’t find a more important focus for a family devotional than a daily highlighting of the gospel of grace. Clever stories and good moral lessons may entertain and even help children, but the gospel will transform children. The gospel is deep enough to keep the oldest and wisest parents learning and growing all their lives, yet simple enough to transform the heart of the first grader who has just begun to read. Ten minutes a day, five days a week is enough time to pass on the most valuable treasure the world has ever known. Long Story Short is a family devotional program designed to explain God’s plan of salvation through the Old Testament and is suitable for children from preschool through high school. |
Bible – Posted 1/22/25
All students in all classes need to have and bring a Bible to class. Preschool & Kindergarten excluded. |
Morning Block - Grades 1-2
Bible Heroes – Posted 1/29/25
GREEN CLASS - GRADES 1-2 From Enoch and Noah to John the Baptist and Paul, students will get to know the heroes of the Bible while working through six of IEW's nine units. A variety of games teach vocabulary, reinforce elements of style, and add to the fun! The Teacher’s Manual e-book, a necessary component included with this purchase, provides all the help necessary for the teacher and parent: discussion starter ideas, sample key word outlines, sample brainstorming ideas, and thorough instructions for the games and activities. |
Morning Block - Grades 3-4
Discoveries In Writing – Posted 1/29/25
BLUE CLASS - GRADES 3-4 Discover a wide variety of fascinating subjects in Discoveries in Writing! In this theme-based writing curriculum, students write about exciting topics such as the Bayeux Tapestry, tsunamis, Jerusalem and the Crusades, and other interesting subjects while they learn to write with the Structure and Style® writing method. Offering a full year of instruction for students in 4th grade, these lessons cover seven of the nine IEW Units. Literature suggestions and access to vocabulary cards and other helpful PDF downloads are included. Purchase the Teacher’s Manual and Student Book together and save! |
Morning Block - Grade 5-6
Fix It Grammar Level 3 – Posted 1/29/25
INDIGO CLASS - GRADES 5-6 Sometimes it's hard to imagine a well-loved program getting any better. IEW's Fix It! Grammar - 4th edition – will change your mind on that. There are some excellent improvements, most notably in the teaching-assignment sequences, but the fun-to-use and user-friendly program is still distinctive in its systematic approach that melds structure-of-language instruction with usage-based practice. Some of the improvements include thorough explanations, lists of errors for each passage, blank lines for copywork, expanded scope and sequence, and seamless transition between levels allowing for mastery plus spiraling. The six-year course sequence has changed but the grade and IEW writing level designations for each level remain the same.
Obviously, if you've been using this program, you may be concerned about a next grade level course with the same title as last year. IEW assures us that "the stories themselves have been rewritten and the teaching content has been expanded. Therefore, there should be no concern if a student repeats a story from third edition while working through the new fourth edition Fix It! Grammar series." While designed as a six-year, start-to-finish program, according to IEW, Frog Prince (Level 5) and Little Mermaid (Level 6) are useful for high school students who need a refresher course or who are preparing for standardized tests. There are 30 weekly lessons in each course. Each of these begin with one day of expanded and targeted instruction coupled with examples. Daily assignments for the remaining four days follow. These daily lessons are based on passages from the course story. A guide at the top of each lesson page lists the assignment's tasks. Each lesson has four distinct tasks:
Grammar lessons should take only 15 minutes per day, require teacher-student interaction one day per week, and allow the student to work somewhat independently the remaining days. This path to mastery suggests review cards for key grammar concepts as well as a grammar glossary for reference. In other words, the student is being equipped and trained to incorporate excellent grammar into their writing as well as being prepared to edit their own work. Each course is comprised of a teacher's manual plus a student book. The general methodology is straight-forward. Read/discuss instructional material, edit one sentence daily, and then rewrite the passage correctly. Defining the vocabulary words that are identified in each sentence is an added bonus. The Student Book provides both the weekly lessons and the space to complete them. Weekly lessons devoted to review (no new material) are peppered throughout the course but predominate in the last half. Appendices in the spiral-bound student book provide the complete story (a compilation of the daily sentences), various IEW resource pages, and a Grammar Glossary that serves as a reference tool. The Teacher Manual starts with some general how-to-and-why information plus a complete scope and sequence for the course. Daily lesson plans include the same grammar instruction found in the student book plus a wealth of additional information and complete corrective support (i.e. answer keys) for each of the daily sentence edits. "Fixes" are explained and grammatical "talking points" are provided. Helpful sidebar teacher's notes serve as a cross-reference to other lessons as well as interesting historical tidbits such as the name (pilcrow) for the paragraph mark and its origin (Middle Ages) and purpose (to separate content). Appendices with the story, IEW references, and a copy of the Grammar Glossary complete the Teacher Manual. The Teacher/Student Combo packages provide both a Teacher Manual and a Student book. In case it's not clear, the goal of these courses is FUN - along with learning and remembering good grammar, of course. They provide a light touch that is embedded in practicality. Obviously designed to complement the IEW writing courses, they are integrated with IEW terms such as dress-ups, acronyms (FANBOYS), and clause starters ( The Fix It! materials can be done as a stand-alone program. I've been a lukewarm fan of editing approaches to grammar, but this one is also strong in providing systematic, structural coverage of grammar. This combination of instruction and practical application is highly effective. TMs - 225 - 250 pgs. spiral-bound; SBs - 120 pgs spiral-bound ~ Janice |
Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons – Posted 1/29/25
INDIGO CLASS - GRADES 5-6 New Edition for 2021. Experience the adventures of the ancient world! This theme-based writing curriculum exposes students to the ancient world through cultural literature and the study of famous places and events while they learn to write with the Structure and Style® Writing Method. Offering a full year of instruction for students in grades 4–7, these lessons cover all nine IEW Units. Vocabulary cards, literature suggestions, and access to helpful PDF downloads are also included. Purchase the Teacher's Manual and Student Book together and save!
Parents that are familiar with the IEW process and confident in supporting their students may elect to purchase just the Student Book instead of the Combo. Here is the purchasing link: |
Morning Block - Grades 7-9
The Chronicles of Narnia – Posted 1/29/25
PURPLE CLASS - GRADES 7-9 The last 4 books of this series are required reading for the 2025-2026 school year, and purchasing a boxed set is the most economical way to get all the books. If your family already owns these books, it is not necessary to purchase additional copies. |
Following Narnia Volume 2: Aslan's Country – Posted 1/29/25
PURPLE CLASS - GRADES 7-9 Continue the adventure with the remaining four novels of The Chronicles of Narnia (Prince Caspian, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle). Students will learn advanced writing skills while exploring the enchanted land of Narnia through Structure and Style. This course is for students with at least one year of experience with IEW. This Teachers Manual includes the contents of the Student Book inset (reading assignments from the novels, source texts on related topics, checklists, assignments, word lists, and student samples) plus in-depth instructions for teachers, including sample key word outlines, brainstorming ideas, answers to questions, review activities, and ideas for motivating students. These lessons are designed to be used by an instructor who has been through the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style seminar, either live or on DVD. Perfect for homeschoolers, homeschool co-ops, tutors, and hybrid schools, this theme-based writing curriculum supports parents and teachers in teaching writing to upper middle school and high school students (grades 69+).
Parents that are familiar with the IEW process and confident in supporting their students may elect to purchase just the Student Book instead of the Combo. Here is the purchasing link: |
Fix It Grammar Level 5 – Posted 1/29/25
PURPLE CLASS - GRADES 7-9 Sometimes it's hard to imagine a well-loved program getting any better. IEW's Fix It! Grammar - 4th edition – will change your mind on that. There are some excellent improvements, most notably in the teaching-assignment sequences, but the fun-to-use and user-friendly program is still distinctive in its systematic approach that melds structure-of-language instruction with usage-based practice. Some of the improvements include thorough explanations, lists of errors for each passage, blank lines for copywork, expanded scope and sequence, and seamless transition between levels allowing for mastery plus spiraling. The six-year course sequence has changed but the grade and IEW writing level designations for each level remain the same.
Obviously, if you've been using this program, you may be concerned about a next grade level course with the same title as last year. IEW assures us that "the stories themselves have been rewritten and the teaching content has been expanded. Therefore, there should be no concern if a student repeats a story from third edition while working through the new fourth edition Fix It! Grammar series." While designed as a six-year, start-to-finish program, according to IEW, Frog Prince (Level 5) and Little Mermaid (Level 6) are useful for high school students who need a refresher course or who are preparing for standardized tests. There are 30 weekly lessons in each course. Each of these begin with one day of expanded and targeted instruction coupled with examples. Daily assignments for the remaining four days follow. These daily lessons are based on passages from the course story. A guide at the top of each lesson page lists the assignment's tasks. Each lesson has four distinct tasks:
Grammar lessons should take only 15 minutes per day, require teacher-student interaction one day per week, and allow the student to work somewhat independently the remaining days. This path to mastery suggests review cards for key grammar concepts as well as a grammar glossary for reference. In other words, the student is being equipped and trained to incorporate excellent grammar into their writing as well as being prepared to edit their own work. Each course is comprised of a teacher's manual plus a student book. The general methodology is straight-forward. Read/discuss instructional material, edit one sentence daily, and then rewrite the passage correctly. Defining the vocabulary words that are identified in each sentence is an added bonus. The Student Book provides both the weekly lessons and the space to complete them. Weekly lessons devoted to review (no new material) are peppered throughout the course but predominate in the last half. Appendices in the spiral-bound student book provide the complete story (a compilation of the daily sentences), various IEW resource pages, and a Grammar Glossary that serves as a reference tool. The Teacher Manual starts with some general how-to-and-why information plus a complete scope and sequence for the course. Daily lesson plans include the same grammar instruction found in the student book plus a wealth of additional information and complete corrective support (i.e. answer keys) for each of the daily sentence edits. "Fixes" are explained and grammatical "talking points" are provided. Helpful sidebar teacher's notes serve as a cross-reference to other lessons as well as interesting historical tidbits such as the name (pilcrow) for the paragraph mark and its origin (Middle Ages) and purpose (to separate content). Appendices with the story, IEW references, and a copy of the Grammar Glossary complete the Teacher Manual. The Teacher/Student Combo packages provide both a Teacher Manual and a Student book. In case it's not clear, the goal of these courses is FUN - along with learning and remembering good grammar, of course. They provide a light touch that is embedded in practicality. Obviously designed to complement the IEW writing courses, they are integrated with IEW terms such as dress-ups, acronyms (FANBOYS), and clause starters ( The Fix It! materials can be done as a stand-alone program. I've been a lukewarm fan of editing approaches to grammar, but this one is also strong in providing systematic, structural coverage of grammar. This combination of instruction and practical application is highly effective. TMs - 225 - 250 pgs. spiral-bound; SBs - 120 pgs spiral-bound ~ Janice |
Middle School Science
Exploring Creation with General Science – Posted 1/30/25
PURPLE CLASS - GRADES 7-9 ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE THE TEXTBOOK, NOTEBOOK, AND ANSWER KEY. You can purchase these items separately if you plan to get some used and some new. The Exploring Creation with General Science 3rd edition Set includes the Textbook, Student Notebook, and Solutions Booklet with Test Pages. With a goal to create an easier transition from the Apologia Young Explorer's series for elementary students to the upper level Apologia courses, this course focuses on teaching students to learn independently. The content of the 3rd edition has also been modified, with fewer modules (14) and a 4 day per week schedule. Topically, this edition covers the history of science, the scientific inquiry and method, documenting and interpreting experimental results, scientific analysis and history, and science and creation. The three branches of Science: Physical, Earth and Life are covered thoughtfully except for anatomy and physiology which has been removed to prevent overlap of content from the Young Explorer's Anatomy and Physiology course. Within these branches, students will study astronomy, geology, paleontology, meteorology, oceanography, marine science, life science, environmental science and a basic overview of chemistry, physics and biology. A biblical worldview is evident through scripture references (NIV/NLT), creation connections, and through the experiences of various scientists from history and the present, who believe science is the best avenue to learn more about the God who created it. |